Saturday, February 24, 2007

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Here's the link if you wanna watch the video. just copy and paste on your address bar. Prepare to be amazed!


Isn’t life strange? And full of strange people? And strange people in the strangest places. Who would think someone would say ”fuck you” at a thrift store?

Very funny, huh? Yes, it did happen today. Now don’t ask what I was doing in the thrift store and not in the food bank where I’m supposed to be. I was helping. Sure I was. Well, I was butting in anyway. But not much bothers me anymore. Actually I thought it was funny.

This lady was really pissed because it was two pm and we were closing the store. (the food bank closes at 1:30, btw) Anyway I was sitting in my office doing my computer work, and I heard the volunteers asking people to quit shopping like they do every day about 1:45. They have a terrible time getting people to leave for some reason. I hear them cajoling people every day.

So thought I would be a good Samaritan and help out. When will I learn…no good deed goes unpunished. So out I go. Actually I have NO problem bossing people around…as my daughter will attest – and I just went up to people and asked them to please go to the counter and check out. Several shoppers were quite elderly and I rather doubt if they had even heard the earlier closing announcements. But I assure you I was quite polite - yes, that is a possibility cause I have mellowed quite a bit in the last few years – undoubtedly from listening to soothing music.... And my friend, Sue, was there volunteering at the check out counter, so she can also vouch for me….although she didn’t hear any of this.

So I’m politely asking people to go…reminding them that we close at two and these workers are volunteers who are just helping out. Everybody was very nice…..except ONE. As I walked away from her, I saw that she just went to another rack and started going through more clothes….so I walked over to her and again asked her to check out. Damn! This is not please her at all….don’t ask me why….maybe she really needed a new shirt…..probably had a hot date. But she gave me a lizard stare, crashed the shirts back on the rack and said, “Fuck you!” and left the store on her broomstick.

I’m so sorry…..i just laughed. Yipper..i did. I seem to find just about everything funny any more. What else can life throw at me, anyway? No much can upset me any more. Certainly not thift store shoppers. Actually everything is grist for my blogging now…aint it…..LOL

oh, yeah.....just remembered i had a leeetle problem with a lady at the movie theater a couple of weeks ago. hmmmm...maybe this is getting to be a habit...well, i decided quite a while ago that i wasn't gonna take any shit from anybody any more. and i don't. now, my friend barb was there and she can attest that i did not start this. (most of y'all have known me for a long time, so i know i have to get back-up for some of this)....anyway, barb and i were sitting waiting for "Dreamgirls" to start and doing a lot of talking when a couple sits down next to me - a memorable woman with an enormous full-lengh leopard coat - and the theater was half empty. The movie starts and barb asks me which singer is the American Idol girl. I am the American Idol Resident Expert among my friends, ya'know. So i proceed to tell her.

This leopard loving lady next to me says, "LADY, WILL YOU PLEASE QUIT TALKING".

Well, obviously this lady had no idea with whom she was i looked right back at her and said, "LADY, WHY DON'T YOU GO SIT SOMEWHERE ELSE."

She didn't say another word. Up she jumped. At first i thought she was moving...but no, the man just sat there as she went UP the aisle. Then it hit me...she was going to report me to the management. HA! I was primed and waiting for a pimply-faced teenager to come tell me to quiet down. The lady returned and sat right next to me again....and nobody showed up.. damn

Really, i tried not to talk much, because i really hate it when people talk during a movie....but it was not the most comfortable movie i've ever sat through...but it was a great movie, and there was a lot of talking going on all around us. It's that kinda movie.

So now you know. You can say anything you want to me....i won't be offended....but be prepared to reap what you sow. I'm a survivor....i can not be intimidated.


I believe in surviving
For no reason
With no hope

I believe in going on
With no end in sight
With no plan for success

When all you feel is sadness
When all you see are tears
When all your bridges have been burned

I don’t believe in giving up
Youth and beauty have fled
Friends and esteem are fading

I’m still here
I’ll fight on
Ya’ never know
geni 2007

Saturday, February 17, 2007 - Glitter Graphics<

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Clay didn’t call. I didn't win the poetry contest. Life is bleak.

I have gotta get another hobby. Anybody heard any more about the scandal contest? I’m countin on winnin that! I know my scandal. I’m a scandal junkie (along with the rest of America, obviously). There’s not a detail of jessica/nick, jen/brad/angie, or now anna nicole - that I’m not up on.

Couldn’t resist copying this…….

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I am talking to myself now. And am talking to the dog all the time. I’m down to my last neuron….and it’s too tired to synapse even if I had another one available.

Here’s my actual conversation this morning with my Cocker Spaniel.
“Tommy, you have got to quit getting into the wastebaskets. This is beneath you. You are a purebred member of this household. You have your own food ….and beg half of mine….you do not need to search the wastebaskets for scraps. This is a very annoying habit of yours and I am getting just a little tired of cleaning up after you. Now what do you have to say for yourself?”

This was said in a most sincere voice while staring intently into his serious big browns and scratching him behind his long curly blonde ears. I half expected him to answer in complete sentences. Instead, he belched. I think he had found a chicken bone in there.

Have also been thinking about past lives and time-machines. ( Oh, it’s really lonely here in bleak-snowsville. ) Would you go to one of those “past-life regression” mystics? I would. How fascinating! And the only way I’ll ever see CA in person, I’m sure. Oh yeah…you people can post all you want to recapping your trips to Kimmel and Martha and Tyra. I can only dream.

Naturally, if I did come up with the money to pay for a “reading” I’m sure I wasn’t Cleopatra. Undoubtedly, I was one of those poor slobs pushing granite blocks up the ramp to the top of the pyramid. It probably got loose and slid right down and squished me. Well, at least I was thin for once.

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People are always talking about going back in time and meeting famous people or changing history. Personally, I would want to go forward in time. I wanna know what’s gonna happen. Will Clay ever call? Will we every get out of this war? Will we ever colonize space? I want to walk on Mars or better yet a far solar system with an eden-like third planet. I want to see Earth from space. I want to meet creatures of another species. I want to cure cancer and Alzheimer’s.

Of course, this brings up the interesting question of - has the future already happened? And are we just in some parallel universe?

And the even more disturbing question. Has geni finally completely lost that last neuron….and her mind?

It’s just me, what’s left anyway, geni
P.S.but then again...where could i find a finer hobby

PPS here's the poem that didn't win.


I hold fast to the promise
That hearts will not lie
That faith won’t let go
That love fights for a soul

I hold fast to the dream
That loving means reaching
Believing means winning
It’s enough for beginning

I hold fast to the vision
Of life full of purpose
Of love in all ways
Of stars set ablaze

The voice that soothes my soul
The smile that heals my heart
The eyes where moonglow shines
I hold fast to what is mine
geni 2007

Thursday, February 01, 2007


How to start a thrilling and inexpensive hobby using stickers -

CAUTION: This hobby is specific to women over 40. Younger women probably would not have access to needed materials and equipment or expertise in usage - and probably shouldn’t be reading geni’s blogs anyway. You can take my word for it….or just ask around.

BEACH WEAR – Depending on desired style, size, and modesty of individual
FASHION TIP A: You can easily add interest to the neckline of your existing swimsuit using stickers.

FASHION TIP B: You can add an artistic flair by adding polka dot stickers to plain suits.

FASHION TIP C: For the more daring beachcombers or those wanting to eliminate those tacky strap lines, wear stickers alone. Recommended only for those readers currently in Europe.

CRAFT PORTRAITATURE: Easily make drawings of favorite storybook or cartoon characters using stickers. Also useful in doodling and caricature

Attach the stickers as eyes on the outside surface of those little magnet face games with the bbs. It’s easier than trying to get the little bbs in the eye slots.

Tassels are always a nice entertainment item and can easily be affixed to stickers with duct tape or elmers or superglue (on second thought, skip the superglue in that area of the body). These can be made of fringe from ottomans, left-over Christmas tinsel, or old cheerleader pompoms. Shredded bank statements from your office wastebasket are colorful (often red) inexpensive and usually abundant (however, do not attempt to assemble said tassels at workplace) Used tassels from Shriners’ hats are a possibility for those employed in the hotel or convention center business or perhaps along parade routes.
BONUS POINTS: These can be awarded to those who actually use the tasseled stickers in an exercise regimen. Oh wait, I think that may require something called “pasties”……nevermind.

Serious hobbiests could delve into their tribble collection. well, those would be more puffy and harder to twirl, wouldn't they...but so cute. (this suggestion is only for trekkers, like you Naomi)

It’s just me, geni

P.S. You know you might have a problem when you return from your pilgrimage to the Great White and Steel Plated Pressure God Shrine with three of these.(now "digitalized", the latest in imaging, i am told by the uniformed Shrine attendants.) Animation can't be too far in the future. Watch out Pixel and Lucasfilm....