Thursday, October 05, 2006

sex, lies, and videotapes

the sad killings in PA have prompted this blog. what in the world is happening to people? Why in the world would someone do this? the killing of innocents is always about the killer, though, not the victims.

quite obviously this killer chose those symbols of innocence - Amish children - for a reason. not because he knew them, or they had harmed him in any way. just for the symbolism. and girls - women - are quite often the target for men with suspected sexual confusion - sex.

i watch the news- videotapes - sporatically, so may not be up-to-date on the "latest developments in this breaking story". and in my opinion - and that's what a blog's for, right, opinions? - but a blackbagfull of the problem lies right at the media's bloody doorstep. this constant, continuous, overblown coverage of stories with an emphasis on sexual overtones is fueling the fire.

and i mean the fire raging in so many people. that fire of sexual confusion - sex. that quest for physical gratification, for a "soulmate", someone to fill all our desires, someone to be the answer to all our problems, someone to make us whole. well, of course, no one can fit that bill. no one is going to solve your problems but you.

but we are constantly fed this dichotomy on screen. 1. "the horror of it all" and 2. if i buy enough/change myself enough i, too, can have some of that perfection i see fed to me daily on screen - if a bit too skinny or a bit too musclebound sometimes - still the promise is there - maybe.... perhaps, if we can just find it.....maybe everything will be all right.

it's all pr....lies....giv'em what they wanna hear and see. i have no idea who's to blame....the giver or the receiver....the media or the public....the idol or the worshipper. as pogo said, "i have seen the enemy and it is ?????"

but is it any wonder there is so much frustration out there? confused people are just becoming more confused. they give up and the dementia takes over. perhaps just the overwhelming feeling that "if i can't have what i want someone is going to have to suffer along with me". perhaps just the desire to end it all, somehow, no matter who else gets hurt.

do i have any answers? are you kidding? this is a blog not an advice column. i have no idea what a solution might be or even what the real cause is. this is the third millennium, we're all just winging it here. i only know what i see and hear on those screens, just like you. i only know something is very wrong with a lot of people. let me know what you think...

it's just me, geni

p.s. a blog isn't part of the "media", is it?


Anonymous said...

Good blog geni. Lucefier (better know as satin) knows his time is running out. He is on a mission for the souls of man, what better platform than the media and electronic communication. Show people how they should look, what they should think, how they need to be to live successfully. Convience them that only this way or that way is acceptible and if you don't choose the lifestyle presented to you thru media examples then you are not worthy to be a success, so you might as well go down and take as many as you can with you. For those who have become a success without following the rules, there is instantly an attack to defame them with lies-sex- and videotapes and any other means they can fanthom to destroy the goodness that still remains in the world today.

Anonymous said...

I think that most vilent crimes against weeker victims (children always, women)are more crimes of control then passion. When a child is a turn on to an adult, part of that turn on is control. When a man beats all hell out of a woman, again, there's that added high of controlling another human being. These are sick minds that work this way, however, I always wonder if being sick displaces knowing right from wrong. You can have strong desires to rape and kill a weaker member of society but in that sick mind is also knowing it's wrong. Maybe that's also part of the thrill. OUr laws must get tougher. A crime against a child should be punishable by death or dismemberment. A crime against a woman, rape, beatings, etc. should bear an extremely high consiquence. I also feel that women who defend themselves against an abusive spouse, friend, etc. by killing their attacker, even after an attack, should not be prosecuted. And I think all of us who have even the slightest feeling that a friend or child is being abused have the obligation to ask questions and butt in. Reporters do go for glorifying the abuser by publishing his "troubled" histroy. Perhaps they should use more of their talents intervewing women who have successfully left, along with their children, an abuser. Who finally said "enough", take the abuser to court, and constantly have their faces in their local news and TV. Women are powerful and so are children. Children should be taught from early on that no matter who the person is who threatens them, touches them or hurts them, that person has no power. Tell these children to talk to teachers, neighbors, parents. It gets to be so sick that I feel one of the medicines for cure is fear. If these sadists and sex offenders are made to wear clothes of ash for all the world to see perhaps at least a few would seek help. Believe me, they know they are sick. It's THEIR responsibility to get help.

Anonymous said...

Interesting comments and observations. I have always believed that there is as least as much good as bad in the world probably more good...but it doesn't make interesting news. That is why I am not much of a news hound anymore. I keep a casual awareness but I deliberately avoid much of the TV programs that I know are only going to be about horror stories. I cannot solve or change anything...all I can do is be horrified..and that is not very beneficial to me so why observe it.
When I do see someone that I know would benefit the culture such as Clay Aiken, who represents goodness and kindness and decency and genuine talent, then I make an effort to support that individual as you do here. Right now supporting what is good and decent when I see it is the best that I can do to try to help change things.

Anonymous said...

Way to go Geni! I think you're right there is a problem with our society now and I have no idea what we need to do to fix it. Those poor children and their parents who were in no way connected to this man but were made to suffer because of him! I was always told that "life isn't fair" but it should be more fair than this.

Anonymous said...

A lot of thought has gone into your blog but will we ever know the answer to these terrible crimes....I think not. All we can do is speculate and be horrified and wonder why it is happening more often and will we become unfeeling when we read the sensationalism made of it by the media. The world we live in now is full of horror everywhere. Movies are full of nudity and violence, celebrities no longer command respect, talent isn't a requirement for celebrity. We have people who can't sing selling millions of records, people who can't act making millions of dollars. I don't know what to say. Sometimes things are just too overwhelming and disappointing and good people are made fun of and targeted for no reason. I can only see things getting worse and feel anxiety for my grandchildren and wonder what their world will have become. I won't be here to find out and in a way, that's all to the good. We must find our own happiness and make our own way in this world because we can't honestly do anything about the slaughter and the crazies who do it. luci06

Anonymous said...

I watched one of girls parents comment on this horrible shooting. The religious community is forgiving this man. As one grandfather said, "I can forgive for that is my belief." What an example this group has set for the rest of the world. I can't begin to imagine their grief.

Anonymous said...

We are all so shocked, angry, and so bewildered when our children are brutalized. Of course it is the fault of the deranged perpetrator. Still there is the fringe responsibility of those who are directing the funds and the administration of the funds going in to public education. All children who are not institutionalized are in the classrooms, yet we have one counselor to serve 600 or 700 children and parents. This counselor almost always is in charge of all testing and Heaven knows what else. Teachers are working 12 hours a day just to keep up with the required teaching, testing, and paper work, parents have to leave for work at 6:00 a.m. and get home at 6:00 P.M. just to pay the bills. After school programs are poorly funded...well, if you think about it you will see what I'm trying to say. Our children deserve so much more to grow up with healthy mental outlooks, and knowing that they are worthy people who are more than a test score. Possibly these injured people who grow up thinking the whole world is their enemy could be helped. Ann