Friday, May 25, 2007 - Glitter Graphics


Well, of course NOT when it comes to our Idol or our family or our pets. (hhmmmmm?? Is that the right order?) Surely not when it comes to buying clayconcert tickets, or protecting your kids, or pampering your pets??

Oh well, actually the answer to that question is YES. Especially regarding PETS - sorry I didn’t make that clear in the beginning.



1. “These dog scouts wear scarves, earn badges, do community service, go to summer camps, and learn new skills” Here are some of the badges that can be earned by your dog in dog scouts. (This is from an article in my local newspaper. honest, I didn’t make this up – even I’m not that big a liar)

I especially liked the badges in “therapy” and “back packing”. Do you think the dogs are in therapy, or giving therapy to other dogs? Oh, wait, maybe they’re those dogs that visit senior citizens in nursing homes. I wonder what in the world the one with the musical notes on it is for? Tommy howls a bit. Think that would qualify? Does the dog have to perform before the scout pack (pun intended) or can you just take a recording of the canine virtuoso? Do they play instruments? Wonder if dancing is included?


BTW, the dog scout motto is “ Let us learn new things that we may become more helpful.” Wonder if the dogs bark out the motto? Wonder if they have to stand on their hind legs and raise one paw?

These pet pamperers need to get a job or volunteer for a charity or even clean out their closets. And I just have to share this tidbit from my days as “supermom”. When my dd was a brownie I used to staple her badges to her sash. Give me a break! I worked eight plus hours a day, got her to the brownie meeting, in brownie outfit including beanie and sash. Surely you didn’t expect me to sew too. It was a wee bit embarrassing when one of her badges fell off and the smirking scout leader announced that they had found a badge on the floor…..with a staple attached. My innocent dd went and retrieved it while I acted like I was the competent mother of one of the other brownies. My poor dd didn’t know that all mommies didn’t staple badges and superglue hems.

DD is on the right and btw that's why you're listening to Lara's Theme

Well back to the theme of this blog. PET PAMPERING

If your dog barks excessively, the Dog Shrink recommends a Citronella Collar for about $80.(YES, I said dog shrink. This advice comes directly from her magazine column) “Barking will activate the microphone on the collar which discharges a harmless citronella spritz. One problem is that a “genius” dog may learn to turn his head and bark until the spritzer empties and then continues to bark to his/her heart’s content.

The DOG TREAD MILL sounds interesting. Guess that's for owners who are never home or too lazy to ever walk their own dog. Wonder why they got a dog in the first place?

Clothing for dogs is a really big seller now. Paris Hilton has her own line of pet clothes. (I swear on my Clay Aiken Official Fan Club Membership Card that I’m not making this up.)

Here’s some cute doggies in their designer dresses.


Well, MY cocker spaniel, Tommy, just wouldn’t have a thing to do with any of these. He is a boy after all. And he’s so good looking anyway – what does he need clothes for?

It’s just me, geni

p.s. Just in case you didn't know who the aforementioned IDOL was. Here he is with his dog.

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Anonymous said...

Hi geni,

Some of my favourite music as well as pretty pics. Interesting stuff even though I know almost nothing about the canine family so I cannot add my two cents. I don't like to see animals wearing clothes or being carted around like stuffed toys by celebrities. Poor things.


Anonymous said...

Very cute and informative geni.
I know a little about the pet accessories as my daughter has a new tea cup persion kitty ....she has all the goodies...a very pampered pet. I visited an exclusvie pet shop with her recently and was astounded at what was availble. Even a pet bakery area with decorated cookies. Many children aren't treated so well.
This was fun to read.


Anonymous said...

I am familiar with dogs and all the accessories you can buy for them. With our first dog, a little toy poodle, I thought I'd do her a favor and bought her little boots to wear when it was wet or snowy. I put them on her and she wouldn't walk in the them so ended up just throwing them away. I used to put a little coat on her when it was cold since we'd shaved most of her hair off so she'd look like a proper poodle. I had in with me on a leash and walking down the street of my home town which is a very small town on the Oklahoma border. A very drunk Indian came out of the liquor store, took one look at Cherie, dropped his bottle and just continued walking down the street. I guess he must have thought that pink elephants had nothing on a poodle in a red coat! I've wised up and no longer put any kind of clothing on either of my dogs for which I'm sure that they're very thankful for!