Monday, June 17, 2013


These are sayings or quotes that I've read or heard and deemed worthy to write in my journal.  I've been collecting them for years:  ( old favorites, copied or my own, wise, wry, and "run like hell")
"Do you have a  minute?"
stars burn out, it's the flame that counts
memories are stars in the dark night of sorrow          
go with the flow
never ask "Why?"
"undo" is your friend
what good is cake without the icing?
too soon old, too late wise
in 100 years - all new people
is memory something we have, or something we've lost?
happiness is flowers in both hands
my dogs keep me human
"Time is a predator that stalks us all our lives"  Star Trek
the meaning of life - just to be alive.    tv - "six feet under"
"Sometimes being a bitch is all you have to hold on to." S. King 
"we can love completely without complete understanding" McClean
"What we do in life echoes in eternity." Gladiator

1 comment:

LARA said...

Can you teach my kids the "never ask why" one - HA HA!