Tuesday, September 26, 2006


i just had to share the unique experience i had last monday.
http://www.GlitterMaker.com/ - Glitter Graphics

These are some pix from the KCCLAY club cd release party. This is most of the group in front of Walmart just chomping at the bit to get in there a buy lots of ATDW. I'm there in the second row.


there were five of us from Mid and SW MO who traveled to Kansas City for the ATDW CD release party. you have to understand that Overland Park, KS is just part of greater Kansas City. there are more people in greater Kansas City than in all of the great windy state of Kansas. (i think)

the KCClay Club did a wonderful job. There were about 60 of us at the restaurant, the favors and door prizes were generous, the silent auction and raffle prizes were fabulous. The KCClay Club earned a lot of money for Bubel/Aiken Foundation with their hard work.

the videos and games were great (well, claytrivia level 2 and 3 were too hard for me(now I ask you, who besides Jaiken knows three of the five songs Clay sang solo with the Raleigh boys choir – and unfortunately, long-term memory is slipping along with short-term) and although i know all the lyrics and harmonize beautifully with clay on every song he ever performed, seems i'm no match for certain claymates who obviously prepared for this Claylyrics event with refresher courses at Clayversity.

as i said the Clay gift sets were fabulous - lots of burberry purses, frames, paper weights, sponges, clocks, pillows, key chains, flip flops, candles, tee shirts, the satin night shirt was REAL nice, light switch,
note cards, magnets - all with CLAY on them, of course. Lucky Me won a raffle prize of totebag, clock, key chain, frames, and best of all three cd set of JBT by Tsunamimommie. The key chain has CLAY in rhinestone letters – I’m thinking of changing my username to I BLING FOR CLAY…..

then at 11 pm they passed out electric candles and off we went to walmart. now this is way past my bedtime and I was getting a leeeetle tired by now, but the buoyant spirit of all those Claymates kept me goin……and the sound of that glorious voice wafting through the aisles of wallyworld may have helped. the curious stares of those late night walmart shoppers sharpened my senses too. One can only guess what went through their minds at the sight of 60 women (and one man, bless his heart) in new white tee shirts with CLAY AIKEN’S FACE emblazoned on the front, waving six inch white electric candles – all excitedly laughing and talking at the same time. i talked to a couple of quite young people who stopped by my bench at the front of the store (where i had taken refuge – well, yes, I did have a couple of drinks, but only for the sake of liquor research. Wouldn’t you just hafta know what “sand in your pants” tasted like?)

walmart had three registers open for us at twelve oh one and had 250 cds stacked on the table. Jaiken collected almost 30 cds for our service personnel (walmart donated five). Great job, J! It was a wonderful experience…and I haven’t even gotten around to talking about the Voice yet.

well, I’m one of those who had been streaming the cd all week…so no surprises. But with Clay's new CD for company on my three hour drive home Tuesday, time flew. (See my previous blog if you haven't already bought yours. It was the #1 debut album on the charts last week selling over 207,000 copies!!)

it's just me, geni
"i have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night"


Anonymous said...

IMPRESSIVE!!! Can't believe you have your own blog, then can't believe the "life" you have...You Go, Girl! You're an inspiration.

Anonymous said...

Oh, guess I didn't "sign" my comment that I just posted. (See "IMPRESSIVE")...Sue

Anonymous said...

As usual.. I love your thoughts and the way you express them.. You are so gifted and have so much to offer the world..
Thanks for your thoughts on this and many other things you write about..