Thursday, November 30, 2006 - Glitter Graphics

Guess I’ve become a holiday blogger….ooooops…..guess I forgot Thanksgiving. Oh well, Just the Important Ones, I guess.

Decorating the House: I used to love to decorate every room in my house and have a big Open House and invite everyone I knew. Spent days baking cookies and cakes (all right, that’s a lie - all I know how to do is melt chocolate and pour it over those Chinese noodles) But I did spend a lot of money on chips and dip, pretzels, cheetos, and liquor. Who needs anything else!! It was wonderful!! The downside was I was a nervous wreck and collapsed after the party for a couple days of bed rest.

So as the years passed (along with my youth and stamina) I now get my four year old grandson to come to help decorate the tree. It seems like every year for a while I had to buy a bigger tree because I love to shop for Christmas decorations and always buy a new ornament or two everywhere I visit, and when Hallmark started selling ornaments (y’know they’re “limited editions” and “appreciate in value”) the downhill slide began in earnest. I’m now up to a 12 foot hummer of a tree and 8 smaller trees spread throughout the house.

I started collecting angels years ago and almost all 12 feet of the main tree are covered with them. However, sometimes it’s hard to tell an angel from a faerie….y’know….they both have wings (scientific correctness dictates that angels have feather wings and faeries have butterfly wings - but some artists use their license in this regard) and they usually have a beatific expression on their face. Although, since I’ve become a connoisseur of faeries, I’ve discovered quite a variety of facial expression on them. This is one of my favorites!! My daughter says she looks scary, but i think she looks soulful. faeries have souls?

it’s clickable and click again at the bottom right corner to see it really large and expressive....

As you probably know, I’m also a scifi nut so I have smaller trees exclusively for Star Wars and Star Trek ornaments. Hope you saw that really great new one Hallmark had out this year of Kirk, Spock, and RedShirtGuy(obviously not long for this or any World) in a transporter. Wow! Sound effects and wavering lights….takes me back to the sixties….

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I also have a tree just for souvenir ornaments…..D.C., NY City, Empire State Bldg, Pikes Peak, Texas, Connecticut, Boston, Newport, New Orleans, Puerto Villarta, Germany, and last but not least Branson, MO (love me some Wayne Newton). There’s a tree in the computer room devoted to Clay, naturally, and yes, one with tiny birdhouses in a bathroom…..

Grandson has three trees in his room. He’s quite special…..and that reminds me…..he was here helping me decorate the big tree. Every ornament was new and just wonderful to him. I saw all those sparkly dreams with new eyes. It was delightful… drawback is that he does seem to hang everything rather close together in one spot…oh well, the company was worth the rearranging later.

One last story – I just bought a new faerie – a male one – rather rare. My daughter says I’d better watch out or all those faeries will be propagating late at night. He’s a Truffle Fairie…he’s holding chocolate…those little twinkle-toes don’t have a prayer….ooooops - hope the angels are closing their eyes.

also clickable

it's just me, geni


Anonymous said...

Well I have my decorations up also. I have a white tree with blue lights in the bedroom window. My main tree has all different ornaments. We will have to visit each other if we can ever get out of our driveways. Skeet

Anonymous said...

I miss decorating the tree with you every year. Even though, if I do recall, I would help decorate and find out later someone rearranged everything. mmmm......
Illeas seems to love the decorations. Mostly the Hallmark ones that sing and move. He is just mystified. Can't wait to show him the Star Trek and Star Wars trees!
Keep those fairies out of our room - I would like to not be searching for everything all the time! They always make me feel like I am losing my mind!
See ya in a few weeks.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jean,

I do admire people who love decorating for, I feel more like Scrooge. Oh, when the kids were little we went all out to make everything sparkly and wondrous in their eyes but now our little 4' tree and a few scattered Christmasy things will suffice. We do love to get together for the one special day, exchanging gifts and having the usual turkey feast and it is quite enough for all of us. Your house sounds magical.

Merry Christmas and especially, A Happy New Year.

Luv, Jean.

Anonymous said...

Good for you for getting decorations up! My Christmas project is making a film strip for Geo with all his old pictures. 20 hours and counting. My ornaments are made, DeGrazia cards haven't arrived as yet, so no cards sent, but there is one batch of cookies in the freezer! We will be attending the chorale Sunday. Good job on the blog, but no pictures of the cute 4 year old??? BW

Anonymous said...

I put the last ornament on my tree about 2 hours ago. It's taken me several days to get everything up--thank goodness for the snowstorm. It kept me focused!! I know how beautiful your decorations are. I'm glad to hear they are all up and in their place. I know the babies will all enjoy them--including your big babies. Happy Holidays and hope to talk to you soon.

Anonymous said...

Our house is decorated to the hilt, and it is beautiful. It's the Kappa Delta house at the Univ. of Missouri in Columbia. I've worked for days - and I mean days! The tree is absolutely lovely, the deep red bows are properly placed, the staircase garland is lighted and has red and gold berries, well, you get the picture.
Mother Nature was plotting against me all the time. We have 16 inches of heavy snow with a thick layer if ice underneath. The streets are closed, Univ. classes are closed, and I am the one and only adult in this house with 87 teen age girls. HELP!!
These KD girls have lost all of their usual coolness and they are out sledding and having a blast. Understand that they don't have sleds here at school so they are using found objects: lids off plastic storage boxes, cardboard inside our super-sized-heavy-duty garbage bags, and our two snow shovels are the favorites.
Three of the girls from Texas put on their swim suits (yes, they were little two piece ones) and went out in the parking lot to get pictures of themselves playing in the snow. Merry, merry Christmas Ann

Anonymous said...

I love your trees,Jeananne. I have admired your Angel tree many, many times. You know that I have always laughed at your Star Trek tree. I have my Christmas tree(I still use your old one that you gave me many, many moons ago) up on my First Snow Day last week. I enjoy memories of the stories and people behind each ornament that I hang.
Merry Christmas, Marcia