Tuesday, December 19, 2006

http://www.GlitterMaker.com/ - Glitter Graphics

Another Holiday Blog! Just a few more days until THE DAY. But you can celebrate any day, anywhere. My family celebrated last weekend. We had a wonderful day and I was so grateful to have them all with me. And when your kids have families of their own….. those days get rarer and rarer.

It doesn’t matter what the exact day is that you celebrate on. What matters in life is family. “Love is what’s in the room with you at Christmas if you stop opening presents and listen.”

So my presents to you this day are the beautiful quote above, a song by Clay Aiken, a poem, and something to laugh about - gifts to me from my friends Carol and Nan, my pastor, and just something I LOLed at myself . And those can make any day special, can’t they?


The whole world waits in December darkness
for a glimpse of the Light of God.
Even those who snarl “Humbug!”
and chase away the carolers
have been seen looking toward the skies.
The one who declared he never would forgive
has forgiven.
And those who left home
have returned,
And even wars are halted,
if briefly.
As the whole world looks starward.

In the December darkness
we peer from our windows
watching for an angel with rainbow wings
to announce the Hope of the World.

Click on the graphic below to read the funny…..and click again in the lower right corner to make it even bigger. I especially liked God’s folders down the right side (doncha really wanna know what's in "Earth-Plan B.doc"?) the baby pix, and look at what’s playing on God’s WMP…..

Have a Merry one.

it's just me, geni


Anonymous said...

Hi geni,

The photo you sent was really Christmasy and you look wonderful, as usual. Your blog came in the nick of time for me. I was getting discouraged and missing my sister but, of course, there is lots of family to spend this joyous season with. Was just reading the cellcert tonight and Clay sang MGUCW for Brett's birthday today. He's 21 and in Iraq. We'll be having two Christmas dinners, one on the 25th at my daughter's and the other on the 27th here. This is Madi's first Christmas where she knows who Santa is and all the excitement that comes with it.

Glad you blogged again.

Bye and Happy New Year. Jean.

Anonymous said...

As always you've said it better than I ever could have. Love is what it is all about and at Christmas it is more evident than ever! All of the pictures of your family are wonderful and I enjoyed seeing them all. A merry, merry Christmas to you and yours Jean and the coming New Year be a happy and prosperous one for you all.

Anonymous said...

The pictures you sent were wonderful. I agree that the Christmas season is the time for family. I am glad that you and your whole family were able to get together. I will be leaving today for the holidays. I can't wait to feel the Spirit of Christmas through the eyes of my small nephews and great neices and nephews. Merry Christmas, Marcia