Saturday, April 21, 2007

Hi friends,

Here is the email i received yesterday from UNICEF. Thanks to those of you who joined me in donating to this. Ann is right.( don't forget to read the comments to my last blog.)This is probably the only way we are going to defeat the Taliban and convince Middle Easterners that the United States is a caring nation.

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Dear Jean,

Last week UNICEF Ambassador Clay Aiken set a goal of raising $100,000 in ten days to help kids in Afghanistan.There are still two and a half days left, but we've already exceeded the goal and I wanted to thank you on behalf of UNICEF for your extraordinary response. Together, we've raised over $160,000!

Please click here to watch Clay's video thank-you on UNICEF USA's Fieldnotes blog.UNICEF is putting your donations to work to save children and brighten their futures. Again, on behalf of the many young lives you've touched, thank you for your generosity.


Christine Squires, Vice President

U.S. Fund for UNICEF"

Clay Aiken fans are the greatest (if i do say so myself)

In addition to his UNICEF work, you may have heard of this web site that Kevin Bacon started to fund money to chairitable foundations:

"Six Degrees update; Kevin Bacon's Six Degrees challenge ended on March 31st and The Bubel/Aiken Foundation was officially declared a top six finisher and therefore eligible for the matching $10,000 award. TBAF finished in second place with nearly $45,000 in donations from over 2000 individuals."

Life is good.....even in the face of tragedy.....we all go on.

it's just me, geni

“....I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night."


Anonymous said...

It is such a good feeling to see forces for good quietly working, building, and reducing suffering. It is comforting to know good, caring, and generous people are out there. Good job, everyone! Ann

Anonymous said...

Your words together with Clay's are truly inspiring and I am proud to have been able to contribute to this great cause. We sure did good work with the Six Degrees project also.


Anonymous said...

Let me get this straight.
You honestly think the way we are going to "defeat the Taliban and bring peace to Afghanistan and the Middle East" is by sending Clay Aiken over there?!


geni said...

dear ROTFLMSO, perhaps you should take a refresher course in reading comprehension...."convincing Middle Easterners that the US is a caring nation" is not the same as "bringing peace" to this troubled region. i don't know who the hell you are.... but i'm not afraid to put my name on my opinions and i would say Mr. Aiken has a better chance of defeating the Taliban than one Mr. Bush.

thank you so much for reading my blog. geni

Anonymous said...

We are a country that has been blessed with affluence. We're also a country of generous and caring people who will join together to help those in need whether here or abroad. This just proves it! My hat is off to Clay for taking the time to organize this drive and to work with an organization like UNICEF for the good of others. Naomi

Anonymous said...

Pretty cool that so much money was raised in such a short time! I agree that our best weapon against being seen as a horrid war-mongering nation is to be socially conscious. We would be terribly ineffectual in any of these countries if we didn't help the social changes that promote stability. Working toward education, safe clean water and food, and hope for the future generations, is time and resources much better spent than on any weapons or armed forces once the safety of the area has been acheived. No vacuums exist in society. So if we don't fill up the space left by the Taliban, someone else will! Just my opinion. And kudos to Unicef and their ambassadors (like Clay Aiken)for reminding us and making it possible for us to use our resources to accomplish this!

Anonymous said...

Mr. ROTFLMAF just keep rotflyaf. That will keep you busy and not being a smarty pants. Nobody is proposing we send Clay Aiken over there to defeat the Taliban. He is using his time and influence to assist a UNICEF fund to help build a school, provide food, and clean water. This, in turn, may give the Afgans other chances to survive rather than joining the Taliban forces. We are contributing to this UNICEF cause while you are LOTFLYAF. Ann