Thursday, September 06, 2007


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And didn't hear this song live either.....

YES, I’m depressed, so I’ll understand if you don’t read this. It’s not funny or inspirational. it’s just depressing. But that’s what disappointment and ill health can do for a person. Sorry….. no smiling in the face of adversity from me. I’m a whiner. I know I’ve been cheated and I’m not gonna put a happy face on it. it’s not fair and I’m gonna bitch about it and try to spread as much doom and gloom as I can….. cause its lonely down here in the pits.

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I was reading a clay board where members were touting the three favorite concerts they attended. As you can imagine, this put me in a spiral of self-pity. Even Tommy left the room, tired of the moaning and groaning about how life is just not fair. (FYI – I spent three miserable days in the hospital instead of three glorious concert nights, the eagerly anticipated object of months of meticulous planning and scheduling and now have to have a gall bladder operation.)

Now I ask you, is that any way to treat a loyal-since- AI2 fan? And who is doing this treating anyway? Who is making these decisions? I want an up close and personal interview with that person. CAUSE IT AINT RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!

WHERE WAS I WHEN THIS HAPPENED? OH, YEAH, IN THE HOSPITAL!!Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Not lookin for sympathy….yes, I know where to find it in the dictionary….just wanted to whine. and here's even a whiney poem. Now you can be depressed too...HA


I dreamed a dream
I made my plans
like wishing pennies in a well

who gets to pick
which pennies work
which dreams come true

now all is lost, I’m wide awake
and dreams are wisps long gone
the well’s been drained

it's better not to hope and dream
the pain is colder than the well
of tarnished copper drowned in tears
geni 2007

it’s just me, geni


Anonymous said...

OH Mom - I know it is hard but there will be other concerts and you will go to them - the important thing is that you are going to feel better!

Anonymous said...

Geni, Quit whining. . . .there's sunshine ahead. Sure it's been rough but there'll be other chances to see "him". Think of poor me. . . .never, ever have I been to a Clay concert. I think I'll spend the rest of the day feeling sorry for myself.

bye, Jean.

Anonymous said...

Well, Jean, you're in a funk. why not? I want to contribute and after thinking about it, I decided nothing would make you feel worse than bad poetry - so here's some for you. Your good buddy, Ann
I have a lot of old paint.
It's all in gallon cans.
The colors do not match.
That's out of my hands.
Open a can of white paint.
A thick skin's on the top.
Break the skin and stir it,
pick out all the glop.
The next can is of red paint.
The lid is stuck on tight.
Finally it's open
It took all my might.
Why did I buy that brown paint?
By now I do not care.
I'll add it to the mix.
Stop me if you dare.
I almost have a gallon,
and there's a little more.
Here's some teal enamel,
add it to the pour.

geni said...

dear ann, i am trying to figure out the deeper existential meaning of this poem.
white means life is boring and the glob is all the baggage of life that holds us down....and you add red to brighten up your life trying find meaning in excitement and meaningless activity.....but brown represents the mundane that keeps intruding on your intentions to improve.....the teal is your repressed emotions, i'm you forgot to tell what color all this adds up to.....i'd give it a D....maybe a c minus for effort to depress me further