Thursday, December 28, 2006


Click on all pix to enlarge.

In my blog of December 19th, I copied this great “God’s In Box” for your reading pleasure.

At that time, you may recall –(what? You haven’t memorized these masterpieces? Well, that's why i copied it again.) that I mentioned “wouldn’t you really love to know what is in God’s folder “Earth Plan B.doc”? Well, I have some ideas of my own. Too bad I wasn’t around in the beginning to help Her a little with Plan A. I love to decorate. I could have been a big help. So here are some of my ideas…..


First, of course, women would be in charge of the planet from day one. We are much cleaner and things would look a lot better around here after these few billion years. What a colossal mistake that was…putting men in charge! Women are so much stronger than men, too …everyone knows that….do you really think men could go through childbirth – more than once? Well, now that I think of it, I guess that’s why God made women the childbearers in the first place……but then I wonder if God planned on there being six and a half billion people on this flimsy planet….hmmmmm, but it’s probably hard to think that far ahead, after all.

But I digress….women are stronger….and smarter……more compassionate….. more creative…..and most important of all….more peaceful. What was the Creator thinking, putting men with their ego, competitiveness, and aggressive nature in charge!! (Well, I guess some women might qualify here……but let’s skip these finer points, ok?)

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Well, back to the beginning. To start with, I would have put wings on humans. Yes, think about it. If we could fly….there would be no need for roads, no cars, no wrecks, no pollution, no wars for oil. No planes – no 9-11. No global warming, no ozone depletion – stick with me here – no noxious emissions from cars or air conditioners. All those wings fluttering would take care of over-heating – hmmmmm, maybe the Creator WAS male, obviously He wasn’t too concerned about hot-flashes…..oooppps, digressing again.

With wings we could get to where we need to go real quick. More time for shopping and visiting with less spent on traveling. No not reaching a hospital in time. No more separation from families. (Well, some daughters-in-law might not think that is too good an idea…..damn, this is harder than I thought it would be…ohno!, did I just cuss? …..losing celestial credibility real fast, here) We could carry our babies with us. No more strapping them backwards in a seat behind us just to keep them safe.

There would be more woods and certainly more flowers if I had been called in as decorating consultant(and not all that land would be paved over for parking lots). It must have been an oversight that there aren’t more flowers. Oh, I know some people love wildflowers, and yes, they are pretty…..but I’d love to see a field of peonies, or a forest of lilac bushes, wouldn’t you?

And I would have created a better way of communicating between humans….and between humans and animals. My dog would love to talk to me, I just know. yours would too, or your cat. I bet pets would really like to be able to express their love for us more clearly or their dissatisfaction with a particular brand of pet food. Who knows? Maybe they don’t like to be called pets….maybe they hate their names and would prefer Matilda to Muffy. Well, though, a wagging tail and purring are pretty expressive.

I was thinking about mind reading. No more deception, no more lying, no unearned praise, no self-serving flattery. Only truth. That would be nice. Sometimes it is so hard to express your real feelings, your appreciation, your love, what you really want and need. How much better relationships would be if our real feelings could be intuited without words.

Well, perhaps that’s not the best idea (da……darn it, this is much harder than I originally suspected). There would have to be some kind of inner mind-control. Not every thought needs to be known by others. There are some feelings better left unsaid. Clay would never perform publicly again if he knew half of what’s in the minds of some Claymates…..not me, of course….. but some, I’m almost sure…….

Clay Aiken in Angelic mode from his Joyful Noise Christmas 2005 Tour which Skeet and i saw in KC.

And speaking of that performer. I would certainly have created a universal CAappreciation gene. Then everyone would be able to know what it is to be transported by a voice so beautiful and expressive… and soccer stadiums would fill to overflowing. We would all fly in ourselves and save all that airfare money. And an extra bonus of the CAgene would be WE wouldn’t have to put up with eye-rolling and snide remarks from those who just “don’t get it”…..just sayin….

Hmmmmmm….now that would eliminate those nasty reviewers, too, wouldn’t it? – curse you EW!! Ohmy! Now this has turned ugly. Very ungodlike….sorry…..but …..
it’s just me, after all, geni

P.S. I definitely would have decorated the sky with more stars and maybe a couple more moons…..and they would each be in different phases, of course.

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Remembering - Glitter Graphics
I know the Christmas season really depresses some people, especially those who have recently lost loved ones. Moods seems to come and go. Some years are ok and some…. I’d just as well skip the whole thing. But lately, I’ve come to think of it as a time for remembering those precious times we had together.

I’ve been robbed several times in my life….robbed of companionship. Not of love…that still lives in my heart.

My best friend was killed in a car wreck a few years ago. We had exchanged gifts every Christmas, so I discovered that I could relive our happy times every year when I decorated my tree. I have dozens of ornaments (yes, we were friends a long time) that she made for me. A couple she did in needlepoint and her beautiful china painting is as precious now as it was then (who would do that for me now?) I have several she made in her church crafts group, not to mention the ceramic Christmas napkin holders we did in class together. Eva still lives and always will for me.

My mother also was killed by a car crash. My daughters found a novel way to immortalize her special character….and my mother was a character, believe me. My mother was an Olympic Champion Bargain Shopper. One year a long time ago, she found an irresistible sale on chapstick and every year thereafter for Christmas, we each got a chapstick in with a present. It became the family Christmas joke and we always reminded her not to forget our favorite gift. Well, imagine my surprise when I discovered chapstick the Christmas after she passed. My daughter and dil are keeping her grandmother’s tradition alive, and how I love them for it. (P.S. every Easter my mother always gave me a VERY BIG SOLID CHOCOLATE bunny, even when I was way over 50…)

You know that guy on TV that’s “shopping challenged”. That could have been my husband. He never shopped until the 24th for me. And he knew he better get something just for ME….I bought everyone else’s gifts and my gift was his job. Bless his heart, he always bought me clothes that were a couple of sizes too small. I never had the heart to tell him…..come to think of it, he was just sneaky enough to do that on purpose. I just went and exchanged them or got something I liked better anyway. I’m sure he never noticed the difference….I think the salesclerk made the selections for him just to get him out of the store so she could close on Christmas eve. (I quickly broke him of the habit of buying me household appliances for gifts….I bought him a can opener one year)

I still top my tree with the beautiful hand sewn angel that my son’s long-time girlfriend (also killed by a drunk driver) had special made for me one Christmas. Shanna had ordered it for me that Fall and her mother brought it to me with tears in her eyes that Christmas. We still share wonderful memories of that lovely girl.

Well, I hadn’t meant for this to be so sad….rather, I intended it to be uplifting. Maybe you have to know sadness, to realize the real worth of something. But I hope you don’t have to lose someone in order to appreciate them. Go hug someone you love right this minute. I am.

The real spirit of this season is giving. It doesn’t matter what you give…..but the giving of your time is the most valuable gift of all. Spend time with those you love. I know, you’re busy. We all are. Make the time. There’s only so much of it allotted to each of us….and since we can’t know how much time that is, use it wisely. Spend your time on things that are worthwhile. And in the end….only people are really worth our time….not things. And spend time on yourself, too. There aren’t any roses out there to smell in December, and I don’t recommend smelling poinsettias…..but you get the idea. You are worthwhile, too. Take care of yourself. Someone is counting on you to be there for them.
Listen to some music and enjoy the eye candy.

And, of course, the very reason for this season was a Gift to us from a loving Father. Don’t forget to cherish that Gift with your thanks and praise.

it's just me, geni

Tuesday, December 19, 2006 - Glitter Graphics

Another Holiday Blog! Just a few more days until THE DAY. But you can celebrate any day, anywhere. My family celebrated last weekend. We had a wonderful day and I was so grateful to have them all with me. And when your kids have families of their own….. those days get rarer and rarer.

It doesn’t matter what the exact day is that you celebrate on. What matters in life is family. “Love is what’s in the room with you at Christmas if you stop opening presents and listen.”

So my presents to you this day are the beautiful quote above, a song by Clay Aiken, a poem, and something to laugh about - gifts to me from my friends Carol and Nan, my pastor, and just something I LOLed at myself . And those can make any day special, can’t they?


The whole world waits in December darkness
for a glimpse of the Light of God.
Even those who snarl “Humbug!”
and chase away the carolers
have been seen looking toward the skies.
The one who declared he never would forgive
has forgiven.
And those who left home
have returned,
And even wars are halted,
if briefly.
As the whole world looks starward.

In the December darkness
we peer from our windows
watching for an angel with rainbow wings
to announce the Hope of the World.

Click on the graphic below to read the funny…..and click again in the lower right corner to make it even bigger. I especially liked God’s folders down the right side (doncha really wanna know what's in "Earth-Plan B.doc"?) the baby pix, and look at what’s playing on God’s WMP…..

Have a Merry one.

it's just me, geni

Thursday, November 30, 2006 - Glitter Graphics

Guess I’ve become a holiday blogger….ooooops…..guess I forgot Thanksgiving. Oh well, Just the Important Ones, I guess.

Decorating the House: I used to love to decorate every room in my house and have a big Open House and invite everyone I knew. Spent days baking cookies and cakes (all right, that’s a lie - all I know how to do is melt chocolate and pour it over those Chinese noodles) But I did spend a lot of money on chips and dip, pretzels, cheetos, and liquor. Who needs anything else!! It was wonderful!! The downside was I was a nervous wreck and collapsed after the party for a couple days of bed rest.

So as the years passed (along with my youth and stamina) I now get my four year old grandson to come to help decorate the tree. It seems like every year for a while I had to buy a bigger tree because I love to shop for Christmas decorations and always buy a new ornament or two everywhere I visit, and when Hallmark started selling ornaments (y’know they’re “limited editions” and “appreciate in value”) the downhill slide began in earnest. I’m now up to a 12 foot hummer of a tree and 8 smaller trees spread throughout the house.

I started collecting angels years ago and almost all 12 feet of the main tree are covered with them. However, sometimes it’s hard to tell an angel from a faerie….y’know….they both have wings (scientific correctness dictates that angels have feather wings and faeries have butterfly wings - but some artists use their license in this regard) and they usually have a beatific expression on their face. Although, since I’ve become a connoisseur of faeries, I’ve discovered quite a variety of facial expression on them. This is one of my favorites!! My daughter says she looks scary, but i think she looks soulful. faeries have souls?

it’s clickable and click again at the bottom right corner to see it really large and expressive....

As you probably know, I’m also a scifi nut so I have smaller trees exclusively for Star Wars and Star Trek ornaments. Hope you saw that really great new one Hallmark had out this year of Kirk, Spock, and RedShirtGuy(obviously not long for this or any World) in a transporter. Wow! Sound effects and wavering lights….takes me back to the sixties….

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I also have a tree just for souvenir ornaments…..D.C., NY City, Empire State Bldg, Pikes Peak, Texas, Connecticut, Boston, Newport, New Orleans, Puerto Villarta, Germany, and last but not least Branson, MO (love me some Wayne Newton). There’s a tree in the computer room devoted to Clay, naturally, and yes, one with tiny birdhouses in a bathroom…..

Grandson has three trees in his room. He’s quite special…..and that reminds me…..he was here helping me decorate the big tree. Every ornament was new and just wonderful to him. I saw all those sparkly dreams with new eyes. It was delightful… drawback is that he does seem to hang everything rather close together in one spot…oh well, the company was worth the rearranging later.

One last story – I just bought a new faerie – a male one – rather rare. My daughter says I’d better watch out or all those faeries will be propagating late at night. He’s a Truffle Fairie…he’s holding chocolate…those little twinkle-toes don’t have a prayer….ooooops - hope the angels are closing their eyes.

also clickable

it's just me, geni

Saturday, October 21, 2006


MyLayout Profile Editor
FREE Ringtones! - Glitter Graphics

It’s too bad adults don’t get to go trick or treating. We could all trek up to Clay’s door …but we would just yell, “Treats only” when he opened it, wouldn’t we?

Most women love to dress up. And we could be as outrageous as we always wanted to dress and no one would make snide remarks about being “cheap”. We could wear great wigs….long straight black Cher ones, or pink ‘60s pageboys, or white spiky Billy Idol ones …at one time or another all these appealed to me but i have always been too repressed coughanalretentativecough to really express my true inner self. That must be why i love the internet and message boards so much….you don’t know me….i can be anybody i want to be. My Space is really great for that. I’m young and tall there…but i digress.

We’re talkin’ Halloween here, right. Remember when there were no such things as store-bought costumes??? You were a hobo or wore your mother’s clothes….that was about it. But nobody worried about razors in apples then either.

The Halloween that will always stand out in my mind is the year i begged and begged my mother to let me wear her dangly rhinestone earrings with one of her fancier dresses and high heels (now these were her very nicest earrings, mind you) and she refused. But being the persistent only-child i was, i bugged her until she relented.

Of course, i lost one of them somewhere along my route. I just hated to go home that night. Not that i was afraid i would be punished, because i knew i wouldn’t be. But because i knew how hurt she would be….to lose that favorite earring…and that i had been so careless after i had promised and promised how careful i would be. Nothing hurts a child like that “mother guilt thing” does it? I use it on my kids all the time now..

The only other Halloween i really remember was the last one. My girlfriend and i must have been thirteen or fourteen….still young enough to want to get as much candy as we could (girls didn’t grow up so quickly then, obviously)….but aware enough of our age and height to be a little self-conscious. I remember we had a great time and were amassing great quantities of calories when we went to the last house we ever went to (these momentous occasions need to be documented, ya know). The woman gave us candy, but guess she just couldn’t help herself from ruining our evening, “Aren’t you girls a little old for this?”

Now i wonder what would prompt her to say that to two young girls. She ruined this holiday for us forever. Maybe she had had a bad day herself, maybe she was just tired from answering the door bell, maybe she was just a frustrated old bitch. I’m sure she had problems of her own (all adults do). But my girlfriend and i didn’t understand that. We only knew we had been slapped in the face. The candy really didn’t even taste too good that night. We felt ashamed that we had been going door to door and embarassing ourselves and didn’t even know it.

When my kids were little we lived in a great neighborhood and i made all their costumes. The best was the robot - two cardboard boxes spray painted silver with wire antennae on top. By that time, i always accompanied them on their forages(maybe even stole a snickers bar once in a while when they weren’t looking). Anyway, the neighbors would always invite us all in and they would oooooh and aaaah over their costumes and the kids would just preen with pride.

What memories! Now the only trick-or-treater i have is when my daughter-in-law drives over with my grandson and i have a special bag made just for him and we take pictures of him. All the neighborhood kids go to the mall and go from store to store now. I understand completely. Parents have to be so careful in these troubled times.

But still…….i always wonder who found that rhinestone earring and what they did with it.

It’s just me, geni

MyLayout Profile Editor

Monday, October 16, 2006


Doncha just love those wonderful little, seemingly inconsequential, inventions? I don’t mean the earth-shaking, magnificent accomplishments like cell phones and their offspring, camera phones, tivo, high speed internet, audio books (a mixed blessing), web cams, dvd and cd burners, uSendit, Itunes, blogs…….

No, I mean just tiny, thoughtful ideas to help save a little time, eliminate an irritating annoyance. Who was the nice person that thought up making the back stand on picture frames with one side slanted so you could use either a vertical or horizontal picture in it? That was thoughtful. Or that curved thingy attached to electric cords that clips onto it when you wind it up for storage.

Pull out handles on rolling luggage, push buttons to open umbrellas, beep button to find lost portable phones (be nice to have one of those on remotes, too) One of my favorite inventions is the detachable gas pump. Yes,it is embarrassing to drive off with it attached to your open gas tank, but better that leaving self service hearing that scrape and clang and the horrible scene in your rear view mirror of a writhing pump spewing gasoline all over the service area. And although gasoline will clean the dirt off the side of your car, it also does something to the paint job.

Or zip locks on plastic storage bags…think how many schoolkids are saved the tramatic experience of stale bread with their pb&j, not to mention, effortlessly learning that red and blue make purple.

Who thought up the laborsaving idea of using the lid on the liquid laundry soap to measure just the right amount? Lids in general have evolved, well maybe that really is creationism ….squirt tops on ketsup and mustard – no more searching for mislaid ones. I love those flip top ones on mao. Child-proof lids probably saved a lot of kids. Course there’s the trade off of seniors dying with their medicine bottle, lid intact, cluched in their arthritic hands. Gel caps (capsules, of course, but a nice segue you’ll have to admit) gel caps are so much easier to swallow even if they remind me of midget slugs…excuse me, little people ones.

I adore post-it notes….now you don’t have to hunt for the scotch tape, remember how that pulled the paint off the wall along with the taped note? Clap-on lamps were nice. Whatever happened to those? Someone die of fright in the middle of the night when all their lights came on suddenly?

Now these innovations are not so little but are so convenient that they hold a place in my heart: Household appliances like self cleaning ovens and no-defrost freezers. Most of you are probably too young to remember chipping away at the ice buildup with a knife and boiling water and sitting the pan up there. Those glass topped stoves are nice to look at. Did you know you can melt that glass if you happen to be looking at clack and forget that you left something cooking on HIGH?

Driving innovations can be life saving. I kinda like what they’ve done to the side of the highway. Ya’know when you veer over too far to the shoulder and you get that horrible grating noise and vibration…wakes me up right away. Then there’s seat warmers, remotes that unlock the door and turn on the lights, cruise control, GPS, (I need one of those because I have literally driven miles to get to the next exit to go back and find the right exit I just drove past), DVD players for kid control. No more, “Do I have to stop this car and come back there?” I wish someone would come up with an easier way to open the hood, though. That release handle under the dash takes a lot of muscle to pull, not to mention the search for the little latch inside the hood when you’re standing out in the sleet with your jumper cables over you shoulder.

Sippy cups, diaper caddies, electric warming box for wipes, automatic musical baby swings, telebabies, the wiggles…..not to mention “that night” pregnancy tests and morning after pills. Hmmmmm maybe I shouldn’t go there.

Velcro is real nice. Now kids never have to learn to tie a bow – which they don’t need to know anyway – stores sell colorful bows to just stick on your gifts. Velcro shoulder pads are nice too, except if one should happen to somehow fall out of a loose sleeve and someone taps you on the shoulder and says, “I think this belongs to you.”

Personal enhancement items are great. Like non-absorbent falsies. Ever go swimming with a pair of those old ones in your top? Not a pretty picture when you’ve been out of the pool for awhile. Nail glue is marvelous. One word - leepressonnails. I gave up on eyelash curlers….too dangerous. Self-ear piercers are simple and handy, but studs all the way to the top of the ear are overdoing it, I think. Also won’t go to the various and sundry other places that some people are piercing now.

Thank God for little things.

i have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night

it's just me, geni

Thursday, October 05, 2006

sex, lies, and videotapes

the sad killings in PA have prompted this blog. what in the world is happening to people? Why in the world would someone do this? the killing of innocents is always about the killer, though, not the victims.

quite obviously this killer chose those symbols of innocence - Amish children - for a reason. not because he knew them, or they had harmed him in any way. just for the symbolism. and girls - women - are quite often the target for men with suspected sexual confusion - sex.

i watch the news- videotapes - sporatically, so may not be up-to-date on the "latest developments in this breaking story". and in my opinion - and that's what a blog's for, right, opinions? - but a blackbagfull of the problem lies right at the media's bloody doorstep. this constant, continuous, overblown coverage of stories with an emphasis on sexual overtones is fueling the fire.

and i mean the fire raging in so many people. that fire of sexual confusion - sex. that quest for physical gratification, for a "soulmate", someone to fill all our desires, someone to be the answer to all our problems, someone to make us whole. well, of course, no one can fit that bill. no one is going to solve your problems but you.

but we are constantly fed this dichotomy on screen. 1. "the horror of it all" and 2. if i buy enough/change myself enough i, too, can have some of that perfection i see fed to me daily on screen - if a bit too skinny or a bit too musclebound sometimes - still the promise is there - maybe.... perhaps, if we can just find it.....maybe everything will be all right.

it's all pr....lies....giv'em what they wanna hear and see. i have no idea who's to blame....the giver or the receiver....the media or the public....the idol or the worshipper. as pogo said, "i have seen the enemy and it is ?????"

but is it any wonder there is so much frustration out there? confused people are just becoming more confused. they give up and the dementia takes over. perhaps just the overwhelming feeling that "if i can't have what i want someone is going to have to suffer along with me". perhaps just the desire to end it all, somehow, no matter who else gets hurt.

do i have any answers? are you kidding? this is a blog not an advice column. i have no idea what a solution might be or even what the real cause is. this is the third millennium, we're all just winging it here. i only know what i see and hear on those screens, just like you. i only know something is very wrong with a lot of people. let me know what you think...

it's just me, geni

p.s. a blog isn't part of the "media", is it?

Tuesday, September 26, 2006


i just had to share the unique experience i had last monday. - Glitter Graphics

These are some pix from the KCCLAY club cd release party. This is most of the group in front of Walmart just chomping at the bit to get in there a buy lots of ATDW. I'm there in the second row.


there were five of us from Mid and SW MO who traveled to Kansas City for the ATDW CD release party. you have to understand that Overland Park, KS is just part of greater Kansas City. there are more people in greater Kansas City than in all of the great windy state of Kansas. (i think)

the KCClay Club did a wonderful job. There were about 60 of us at the restaurant, the favors and door prizes were generous, the silent auction and raffle prizes were fabulous. The KCClay Club earned a lot of money for Bubel/Aiken Foundation with their hard work.

the videos and games were great (well, claytrivia level 2 and 3 were too hard for me(now I ask you, who besides Jaiken knows three of the five songs Clay sang solo with the Raleigh boys choir – and unfortunately, long-term memory is slipping along with short-term) and although i know all the lyrics and harmonize beautifully with clay on every song he ever performed, seems i'm no match for certain claymates who obviously prepared for this Claylyrics event with refresher courses at Clayversity.

as i said the Clay gift sets were fabulous - lots of burberry purses, frames, paper weights, sponges, clocks, pillows, key chains, flip flops, candles, tee shirts, the satin night shirt was REAL nice, light switch,
note cards, magnets - all with CLAY on them, of course. Lucky Me won a raffle prize of totebag, clock, key chain, frames, and best of all three cd set of JBT by Tsunamimommie. The key chain has CLAY in rhinestone letters – I’m thinking of changing my username to I BLING FOR CLAY…..

then at 11 pm they passed out electric candles and off we went to walmart. now this is way past my bedtime and I was getting a leeeetle tired by now, but the buoyant spirit of all those Claymates kept me goin……and the sound of that glorious voice wafting through the aisles of wallyworld may have helped. the curious stares of those late night walmart shoppers sharpened my senses too. One can only guess what went through their minds at the sight of 60 women (and one man, bless his heart) in new white tee shirts with CLAY AIKEN’S FACE emblazoned on the front, waving six inch white electric candles – all excitedly laughing and talking at the same time. i talked to a couple of quite young people who stopped by my bench at the front of the store (where i had taken refuge – well, yes, I did have a couple of drinks, but only for the sake of liquor research. Wouldn’t you just hafta know what “sand in your pants” tasted like?)

walmart had three registers open for us at twelve oh one and had 250 cds stacked on the table. Jaiken collected almost 30 cds for our service personnel (walmart donated five). Great job, J! It was a wonderful experience…and I haven’t even gotten around to talking about the Voice yet.

well, I’m one of those who had been streaming the cd all week…so no surprises. But with Clay's new CD for company on my three hour drive home Tuesday, time flew. (See my previous blog if you haven't already bought yours. It was the #1 debut album on the charts last week selling over 207,000 copies!!)

it's just me, geni
"i have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night"

Friday, September 15, 2006



Clay Aiken fans are mighty thirsty after the long drought. But there's plenty happening now to quench their thirst.



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12/02/06 Merrillville, IN, US Star Plaza Theatre
12/04/06 Verona, NY, US Turning Stone Casino
12/05/06 Engelwood, NJ, US Bergen PAC Center
12/06/06 Baltimore, MD, US Lyric Opera House
12/07/06 Norfolk, VA, US Scope Arena
12/09/06 Williamsport, PA, US Community Arts Center
12/10/06 Wilkes Barre, PA, US FM Kirby Center
12/11/06 Easton, PA, US State Theatre
12/14/06 Greenvale, NY, US Tilles Center for the Arts
12/15/06 West Point, NY, US Eisenhower Hall
12/16/06 Red Bank, NJ, US Count Basie Theatre
12/18/06 Detroit, MI, US Orchestra Hall at the Max Fish
12/19/06 Grand Rapids, MI, US Devos Hall
12/21/06 Jacksonville, FL, US Moran Theatre
12/22/06 Charlotte, NC, US Blumenthal Performing Arts Center
12/23/06 Greensboro, NC, US War Memorial Auditorium


Sep 18 Clay Aiken - Entertainment Tonight
Sep 19 Clay Aiken - Good Morning America (ABC)
performance and interview
Sep 19 Clay Aiken - Entertainment Tonight
Sep 20 Clay Aiken - Good Morning America (ABC)
Diane Sawyer Interview Part 1
Sep 20 Clay Aiken - Entertainment Tonight
Sep 21 Clay Aiken - Good Morning America (ABC)
Diane Sawyer Interview Part 2
Sep 21 Clay Aiken - Entertainment Tonight
Sep 22 Clay Aiken - The View (ABC)
Sep 22 Clay Aiken - Entertainment Tonight
Sep 24 Clay Aiken - Good Morning America (ABC)
Weekend Show - performance and interview
Sep 26 Clay Aiken - Entertainment Tonight
Sep 26 Clay Aiken - Jimmy Kimmel Live (ABC)

(Need to buy more VCR tapes.....)


The following is a complete track listing for the much-anticipated “A Thousand Different Ways,” including writer and producer credits:

Originally recorded by: Richard Marx
Written by: Richard Marx / Produced by: John Fields

Originally recorded by: John Waite
Written by: Diane Warren / Produced by: John Fields

Originally recorded by: Badfinger and Then Harry Nilsson
Written by: William Collings, Thomas Evans, Michael Gibbins, Peter Ham, and J.C. Molland
Produced by: John Fields

Written by: Andreas Carlsson, Samuel Waermo, Mimmi Waermo & Clay Aiken
Produced by: Andreas Carlsson and Samuel Waermo

Originally recorded by: Elton John
Written by: Elton John & Bernie Taupin
Producer by: Per Magnusson & David Kreuger

Originally recorded by: Paul Young
Written by: Daryl Hall
Produced by: Adam Anders

Originally recorded by: Bryan Adams
Written by: Bryan Adams, Michael Kamen & Robert John “Mutt” Lange
Produced by: John Fields

I WANT TO KNOW WHAT LOVE IS – Guest Vocals by Suzie McNeil
Originally recorded by: Foreigner
Written by: Michael Jones
Produced by: Russ Irwin, Marti Frederiksen & Charlton Pettus

Written by: Jon Bon Jovi & Desmond Childs
Produced by: John Fields

Originally recorded by: Celine Dion
Written by: Diane Warren
Produced by: Eman

Originally recorded by: Dolly Parton
Written by: Barry Mann & Cynthia Weil

EVERYTHING I HAVE – Featuring William Joseph on Piano
Written by: Jeremy Bose
Arranged by: Jeremy Lubbock

Written by: Christian Leuzzi, Aldo Nova & Emanuel Olsson
Produced by: John Fields

Originally recorded by: Mr. Mister
Written by: Richard Page, John Lang & Steve George
Produced by: Eman


Monday, September 11, 2006


9.11 is the Pearl Harbor of our generation.

I remember my mother talking about Pearl Harbor. She said everyone was in such shock…but the main thing she remembered in her later years was that at that time ….she was in her twenties then….that her main thought was that this meant a war was coming and that her new husband would be drawn into it.

9.11 is the Peal Harbor of our generation. We all remember where we were and what we were doing that morning. I was getting reading to go with a friend to her out-of-town doctor’s appointment. I was in the shower when the phone rang.

I rushed to answer it. It was my daughter in CT calling to assure me that she and her husband (who works quite close to New York) were ok. I didn’t know what she was talking about. She said, “TURN ON THE TV”. So I did.

I stood there transfixed as I watched the replay on CNN of the first plane. Shivering in my towel. I was speechless. My daughter kept saying, “Mom…Mom”. I finally answered her ……asking her for what little additional information she had.

Then the second plane arrived. I sat down.

My friend, Carol, and I did make it to her doctor’s appointment. Life always goes on. Tragedy can slow life, but it never stops, I’ve discovered. There was a young couple in the doctor’s office, and when my friend went in, I started talking to them. He was a Marine and had been alerted to report back to his base. He had made arrangements for his flight and was with his wife before going to the airport. He wasn’t real sure any flights were leaving St. Louis, but he was going to be there at the gates just in case. When they rose to leave, my heart rose in my throat and I said, “God bless you.”

He turned back to look at me. He had such a strange look on his face. Amazement that someone would say that out loud in a public place, perhaps…..perhaps, concern that the oath he had taken in peace time to serve his country was a very serious thing , indeed, now…and, perhaps, a realization that all Americans were united that day….Marines and middle-aged ladies in doctor’s offices included.

In Mid America, half a continent away, this tragedy was all that was talked about. American was united on that day and for a few years after. Of course, we are back to our old scappy selves now. But that’s what America and our Star Spangled Banner is all about anyway, isn’t it?

I always wonder where that Marine is now.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

august 30, 2006 my first public blog post

Date Show Network
September 15 Tonight Show With Jay Leno NBC
September 19 Good Morning America ABC
September 22 The View ABC
September 26 Jimmy Kimmel Live ABC

Welcome Clay Aiken fans
and Star Trek fans

and Simpson fans
(and King of the Hill and South Park fans, too)

i was checking on a new Clay Aiken montage on youtube when this video arrived on my monitor and the title was so intriguing so i watched it. seemed serendipitous since i am also a Trekker. wonder how youtube knew? then i got to wondering how i could post it on my clayonline have just wandered around until i landed here. ya never know.....

so here's the

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

and here's the youtube video:

The Simpsons vs Star Trek


go with the flow, ya never know,
it's just me,